Then you’re in the perfect place!
What raising two kids has made perfectly clear to me is that there’s absolutely nothing I can say or do to make myself seem more relevant to younger generations.
Besides, in an ideal world shouldn’t we be moving beyond the idea of generational framing because of how these broad generalizations oversimplifying things? (Generalizations like how I illustrate older people with wheelchairs and younger people holding devices)
As how we engage with each other and the world continues to rapidly change, broad generational framing becomes less nuanced and more and more inaccurate.
But for the sake of this conversation, me referring to young first time voters such as yourself as “Gen Z” is more upbeat and straight forward then as “The-youngest-adults-in-our-country-that-with-their-vote-can-correct-all-the-horrible-things-previous-generations-including-mine-have-done-to-our-country-and-world.”
“Hey GB! Maybe it’s not so much your age that makes you less relevant to the reader as it’s your pessimism about the future?”